Blog exploring the recent charges from a man named Larry Sinclair that he and Barack Obama engaged, on two occasions, in the use of cocaine and crack and had sexual contact during the year 1999 in Chicago while Sinclair was visiting.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sinclair Has Own Site

Looks like Larry Sinclair has his own site. He's been posting updates from time to time. Gotta love the all caps posts, full of misspellings.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tabloid Coverage

The various rumors out there about Barack Obama are cracking the tabloid headlines. The National Enquirer story and the UK Globe story both mention Larry Sinclair, among other rumors. If any of the allegations of homosexual activity are true, it is likely that voters will recoil - if not from general distaste for male homosexuality in popular culture, for the more basic reason that questions of marital fidelity are involved. Interesting time for all this stuff to begin breaking into the tabloids.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Backs away from Testing

Oddly, the site is not going to present the real data from the Sinclair test. One wonders why they have such thin skin about the matter. Why go to all that trouble and then bury the results. The most we have is the analysis of one expert of a few questions...

Anyway, I guess this matter is far from over.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Obama Innocent?

Looks like Larry Sinclair's polygraph tests revealed deception in his answers. No word yet on which answers, but it is a pretty interesting outcome. See for the details.

I guess I thought that anyone who would put his money where his mouth is and take a public polygraph probably had nothing to hide. Boy was I wrong.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Larry Sinclair Polygraph Test

OK, well, finally some real investigation into this. is doing a polygraph test of Sinclair. They have an update here on the test and the accompanying drug test. They say they are waiting for verification of the results by a second polygraph expert before releasing the video. The results should be pretty interesting. Either way it comes out, the press should really cover this so that people can either have their minds eased about Obama, or be informed about his activities.

The other question is whether polygraphs really mean that much, but there are precious few alternatives.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Videos from Larry Sinclair

Larry Sinclair now has posted a four part video on You Tube where he continues his story about Barack Obama, the drug use, the sex, etc. As of today, still no mention or vetting in the mainstream press. The danger this poses is that people whisper about this and Obama suffers. A real investigation of this would clear the air. Sinclair is not backing down.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Larry Sinclair's Appearance in 1999

So, what did Larry Sinclair look like in 1999? A lot of the doubt about his story comes from those who (rightly) point out that Sinclair is not as handsome as one would expect a companion of Obama's to be. But now on his profile, Sinclair has posted a photograph taken on that 1999 trip so that we can see what he looked like back then. I still have no idea if this story is true, but would love for the media to investigate and either exonerate Obama or establish Sinclair's charges. Because it is hard for me to even look at Obama on television with the thought that these allegations could be true...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

New You Tube Morph

Someone has edited the Sinclair video - mostly adding some "you be the judge" type disclaimers to the first part.

You can see it here.

I've noticed that some people really focus on the sex part, some people on the homosexual part, and some people on the crack part. I think personally the most disturbing allegations against Obama are his using illegal drugs and having what essentially amounts to sex with a stranger. These are still the kinds of behavior that make any person in power a good target for extortion. Suppose someone wants to harm Obama - all they have to do is approach him like Sinclair did - in that compromising position, Sinclair could easily harm Obama either physically or politically with no sweat.

Still no one in the mainstream media has reported on this thing yet. I hope they are doing their homework. I think one role of the press is certainly to expose wrongdoing, but might they not also have a responsibility to investigate and *exonerate* Obama if they find that Sinclair's story is a lie?

Friday, January 25, 2008

You Tube Hilarity

People are spoofing the Larry Sinclair video:

You Tube People Begin Responding

Larry Sinclair Radio Interview

Here's an interview that Larry Sinclair did with Jeff Rense - MP3.

A bit about Rense, since I don't want anyone thinking I buy into his worldview. Jeff Rense's website and show is very popular with the conspiracy set, and it tends towards anti-semitism on the Israel issue and with regards to the Holocaust. But the MP3 contains a pretty decent interview in that Rense tries to pin Sinclair down on the details of the encounter with Obama.

From the interview we learn that Sinclair claims to have stayed at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Gurney, IL. He also claims to have been a member of the Choice Hotels frequent guest program. Some other sites have tracked down the fact that the Choice Hotels program didn't begin until after he claims to have stayed there, but I think there was a precursor program that probably turned into the present program. I will check on that and let you know when I find out.

Again, I have no idea if Sinclair is telling the truth, but I'm frustrated that the mainstream media is not asking the questions of Sinclair, Obama, etc. This is a man putting his face forward and making an accusation of drug use (Crack) and essentially sex with a stranger - two behaviors that would be undesirable in a presidential candidate. Hopefully Sinclair can be discredited or else the whole nomination process gets discredited. But if Sinclair is telling the truth, then the Democrats can better focus their attention on Hillary and Edwards and not waste any more money or time on Obama if he can't possibly be in the running.

One weird note - Rense did post a "press release" yesterday on the website and then it was revoked. Either he is unwilling to go out on a limb with Sinclair or he wants the interview to speak for itself. Anyway, when I see Drudge carry the story, then I'll know that the mainstream press either has reported on it, or someone inside a major news organization believes the case to be credible enough to pass along to Drudge despite editorial nixing of the story...

The Original You Tube Video

This is the original video where Larry Sinclair makes the accusations about Obama: