Blog exploring the recent charges from a man named Larry Sinclair that he and Barack Obama engaged, on two occasions, in the use of cocaine and crack and had sexual contact during the year 1999 in Chicago while Sinclair was visiting.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Larry Sinclair's Appearance in 1999

So, what did Larry Sinclair look like in 1999? A lot of the doubt about his story comes from those who (rightly) point out that Sinclair is not as handsome as one would expect a companion of Obama's to be. But now on his profile, Sinclair has posted a photograph taken on that 1999 trip so that we can see what he looked like back then. I still have no idea if this story is true, but would love for the media to investigate and either exonerate Obama or establish Sinclair's charges. Because it is hard for me to even look at Obama on television with the thought that these allegations could be true...


georgetheatheist said...

Hear the exclusive explosive interview with Larry Sinclair on The Right Perspective's archived broadcast on Friday, February 8, 2008. (

Anonymous said...

are you people serious for even entertaining this man. If he could back up this fairy tale of a story then he would have taken it to CNN not you tube. Given me a break..i'm a hiliary supporter and i don't believe it. i dont care what he looked like in 1999 i would think if obama did have a lover he would still look better than this man. lets stay focused here people....

Anonymous said...

Dude, he was even less attractive in 1999. The story is laughable on its face because first of all, Obama was in the Illinois House of Reps, he wasn't even a State Senator back then!! LOL!!

And what kind of person just happens to have his drug of choice (crack) and your drug (cocaine)??

LOL!!! By the way this is all being cooked up by Ron Paul supporters. Here's the linkthat debunks this nonsense:

Anonymous said...

The fact that mainstream media such as CNN, Fox, NYT, NBC, etc., etc. have not picked up on the story does not at all mean that Larry Sinclair's story is not true. There are many reasons for this, and first and foremost is that the mainstream media are backing Obama, so they aren't about to discuss anything that could cause their candidate to withdraw. Another important consideration is that the major media have powerful resources to investigate a story like this. If they could debunk it, why wouldn't they do so? Yet, they remain silent and pretend that there are no allegations. Furthermore, he seems to welcome an investigation. And he seems to demonstrate courage and sincerity. Under these circumstances I would give the benefit of the doubt to Larry Sinclair. Sooner or later, this story will get the investigation it deserves, and then let the chips fall where they may.